Building life together in the heart of Los Angeles, for a more sustainable way of faith, hope and love.
How it all started...
First Baptist Church of Los Angeles began in 1874 with a vision to share the gospel to this pioneering, emerging, western city.
Little did the first members realize how their ministry would develop over time, moving from one location to another until building the facility that is now at the corner of Westmoreland Avenue and 8th Street in Los Angeles. The church is now the home of 3 worshipping congregations and several non-profit organizations. The church is also a site that is used as a concert venue, for weddings, for movie and television location scenes, videography and productions. First Baptist Church of Los Angeles is re-envisioning a future that will meet the needs of a changing community, and adapt to the challenges of the urban neighbors, particularly amid and following the COVID-19 pandemic. We invite you to be a vital part of our present and future. Currently, we are responding to the challenge of our time by worshipping on Sunday mornings in the church parking lot at10:00am. COME and WORSHIP with us with all the caring precautions of mask wearing and social distancing until the pandemic is over. COME and PRAY with us. USE our online resources for worship, Bible Study, and encouragement.
Little did the first members realize how their ministry would develop over time, moving from one location to another until building the facility that is now at the corner of Westmoreland Avenue and 8th Street in Los Angeles. The church is now the home of 3 worshipping congregations and several non-profit organizations. The church is also a site that is used as a concert venue, for weddings, for movie and television location scenes, videography and productions. First Baptist Church of Los Angeles is re-envisioning a future that will meet the needs of a changing community, and adapt to the challenges of the urban neighbors, particularly amid and following the COVID-19 pandemic. We invite you to be a vital part of our present and future. Currently, we are responding to the challenge of our time by worshipping on Sunday mornings in the church parking lot at10:00am. COME and WORSHIP with us with all the caring precautions of mask wearing and social distancing until the pandemic is over. COME and PRAY with us. USE our online resources for worship, Bible Study, and encouragement.
Expanding the vision...
The History of First Baptist Church of Los Angeles involves many people of international, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. We are also a community that looks forward to the new work of God. Since 1847, First Baptist Church has experienced many seasons of ministry, our future is in the hands of our Good Shepherd Jesus, who calls us to live and share the Gospel of New Life, born of God's Holy Spirit, received in faith and shared through faithful witness.
We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses... let us therefore run the race that is set before us. (Hebrews 12.1-2).
We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses... let us therefore run the race that is set before us. (Hebrews 12.1-2).
Where we are headed...
We are a caring, diverse, body of believers who seek to follow the leading of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. In our worship, fellowship, learning together, serving together, outreach to the community, and openness to God's presence, we seek to be faithful and friendly.
We are a mix of people, brought into unity by faith and discovery of Jesus as His disciples.
We are a mix of people, brought into unity by faith and discovery of Jesus as His disciples.

Be a part of our story...
Join us at First Baptist Church, 760 S. Westmoreland Ave. at the corner of 8th street in Los Angeles every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10 am in the main sanctuary.