Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Loving people by being present to listen and discover the work and leading of God's Holy Spirit is the heart of missions. The work of coming alongside others to discover and participate in the work of God is the nature of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are part of the American Baptist Churches, and their philosophy of missions has been to develop indigenous ministries that arise from people's discovery of faith in God and Jesus Christ. We equip the ministries of indigenous peoples so that they will lead and develop ministry that is relevant and effective within their culture and context of life.
Mission is not so much what we bring to others, it is more what we discover of God's work as we are present, willing and responsive to the work of God's Holy Spirit and sharing in the Gospel of Grace and Truth found in Jesus Christ. We make disciples by being disciples.
The American Baptist Churches International Ministries has work going on in over 30 countries.
We are also active in the work of ministry and mission in our own country and in the city of Los Angeles.
Mission is not so much what we bring to others, it is more what we discover of God's work as we are present, willing and responsive to the work of God's Holy Spirit and sharing in the Gospel of Grace and Truth found in Jesus Christ. We make disciples by being disciples.
The American Baptist Churches International Ministries has work going on in over 30 countries.
We are also active in the work of ministry and mission in our own country and in the city of Los Angeles.

Active Missionaries
Rick and Anita Gutieras - South Africa
They are family doctors who equip, treat, train and equip local leaders to combat lifestyle related diseases like HIV/AIDS, high blood pressure, heart and artery disease, and malaria. Bethel Health Builders. They teach people about nutrition, gardening, income building, and safe health practices.
Jon and Amanda Good - Hungary
Serving the churches and people of Hungary, their family is sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples, and beginning Bible Studies for international students.
Denise and Juan Aragon - Mexico
Serving with the council of Rural Indigenous Evangelicals of Mexico, CICEM in Chiapas. Their work is in training, prevention, education, and economic empowerment.
Join the mission
Pray for God's guidance, we are seeking those who desire to make God's Kingdom presence a reality here in the mission of Christ in Inner City Los Angeles. From our new beginning, God will lead us outward.