Good News for the Neighborhood.

Jan 29, 2023    Rev. Dr. Scott T. Arnold

Pastor Scott Arnold begins a new series on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. We learn how Jesus loved God and His neighbor as himself, following the heart and leading of His Heavenly Father, God the Creator and Redeemer. In Part 1 we discover how God introduces Jesus to the Neighborhood of the world through His baptism. Jesus is the Good News of God's love, and we discover what it means to be more than aware of our neighbors, but to pray for and care for others as Jesus did. Who are the people in your neighborhood? Will that include Tyre Nichols and others affected by violence and injustice? Jesus identified with us and became the neighbor who would give His life for us to save us. Baptism symbolizes Jesus being with us, dying for us, and overcoming sin and death on our behalf. God so loved that world, the neighborhood of humanity, that God gave Jesus to the whole world.