Come to Worship.  Join us for 10:00am in the Sanctuary.   
Theme for 2024:  "Growing Community with Compassion" 
Sermon Series: "Prayer Life"  concludes this September 1st.

Looking ahead: 
150th Anniversary Celebration Worship. FBCLA.  
September 8th.  10am.

"Biblical Prophets and Politics"   starts September 22nd. 
Pastor, Rev. Dr. Scott T. Arnold preaching this new and original series.

 COME and JOIN US, you are always welcome.
First Baptist Church of Los Angeles, founded in  1874, is a member of the historic, American Baptist Churches, founded in 1636 in early colonial America, with churches throughout
North America and with Global Mission work throughout the world.   We believe in living faithfully to God and to Christ with a separation of Church and State, with a prophetic voice for justice and grace,
with a clarity of belief that is founded upon the Biblical narrative of Holy Scripture, with primary focus on Jesus Christ as risen, victorious, living Lord and Savior, with faith in the Holy Trinity
of God the Creator/Redeemer (Father), Jesus Christ (the Son), and the Holy Spirit.

Sunday SCHOOL for children:
The children will only go from 10:10am to 11:10am and parents can pick them up afterwards from the children's classroom. 
Youth 13 and up are encouraged to participate in worship.  

Join us for fellowship each Sunday after worship.  
"Connect Circles"  .  (Coffee, Tea,  Nice food and Snacks)

WELCOME:    First Baptist Church of Los Angeles.         
Enter at the Front Plaza (corner of Leeward and Westmoreland,  OR:
Enter at our parking lot entrance on 8th Street.
 760 S. Westmoreland Ave.  Los Angeles, CA 90005 
           We have parking available on 8th Street (north side of street) next to our building. 
        EMAIL:      PHONE:  213-384-2151.   

FLASH:   Pastor Scott was  on KKLA Christian Radio  99.5 FM
His interview with Donna Roush is linked below from

Giving Online:
Text giving:  323-214-3094  Text the word:  "Give"

Sunday Morning Bible Study for Adults is available at  9:00 am in room 10 (English) 
and Spanish Classe Biblia Sunday School in room 12, downstairs.  

About our Minister:
Rev. Dr. Scott T. Arnold has been an ordained American Baptist minister since 1984.  He has been serving FBCLA since January of 2020.  His pastorates have been in Michigan, New England, and Illinois.  He is a graduate of Michigan State University (Urban Planning),  Delta College (Fine arts), Northern Seminary in Chicago (Urban Ministry), and Luther Rice University (Discipleship).   Pastor Scott is married to Marilyn (Penacerrada) Arnold, and they have 3 adult sons.
Pastor Scott loves to write praise songs,  paint landscapes and designs (,  and also has written a number of books available on Amazon.  He is a cancer survivor (Book: "Soul Fruit: Bearing Blessing through Cancer").  Scott is an advocate and ambassador for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through neighborhood witness. (


We are called to be a community of faith, a welcome table, that celebrates the rich diversity of its membership as it serves and honors the diverse cultural and ethnic nature of Los Angeles and surrounding communities.  We are called to be deeply grounded in the Word and Witness through the power of the Holy Spirit, being a prophetic voice for  justice, healing and transformation.  We are called to manifest the love of Christ as we share our various sources of capital with the community as well as being a witness to God's reign through celebrative worship and care for one another.
First Baptist Church of Los Angeles is a place where people:  can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community,  and be loved, appreciated and welcome. 
We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory.

JOIN US FOR WORSHIP EVERY SUNDAY  Online at 10:00 am (PDT) Facebook  

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

   streamed live on Facebook.  Also on Facebook and YouTube  afterwards.

Sunday school

Bible Study is available on Sundays before and after worship.  Please contact church about ZOOM Group studies.
email:  or  Pastor Scott Arnold at:
II Corinthians 5:17-21 
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,  the new creation  has come: The old has gone, the new is here!   18 All this is from God,  who reconciled us to himself through Christ  and gave us the ministry of reconciliation:  19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.  And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.  20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors,  as though God were making his appeal through us.  We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.   21 God made him who had no sin  to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Scott T. Arnold.  

Scott has been in ministry over 39 years from the Midwest to the East Coast and now here in L.A.  Dr. Arnold is trained in Urban Ministry, has a degree in Urban Planning, and has a degree in the Fine Arts.  Scott enjoys the diversity and is humbled by the challenges of ministry in the city.  He began his pastorate here at FBCLA in January of 2020 with his wife Marilyn.   Scott is an artist, a singer/guitarist, song writer, book writer, videographer, and urban missiologist.  
     Scott is also a cancer survivor, and was healed while in the fourth stage of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma through an encounter with Jesus Christ over 22 years ago.  Pray for the church and Pastor Scott Arnold as we venture anew into these times of great challenge and hope.  God is up to a new work, come and join us.   You may email Scott at:  

Bible Study:  Psalms

Pastor Scott Arnold teaches relevant lessons for today from the Psalms. This is a sequential study, starting with Psalm 1.
Discover how the times of Israel are similar to the times we contend with today. There are overwhelming problems that David and Israel faced, the people discovered the wisdom of God and the Spirit of God helping them to worship and serve God through life's challenges and disappointments.  You will find these studies here on our website and on YouTube and Facebook.